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Future of the Desi Dance Circuit

The Desi Dance Network has made some great accomplishments. It has helped to connect dancers across North America and create a sub-culture of compassion, camaraderie, and an active community and platform for like-minded dancers to discuss, be critical, and innovate. The cross-pollination of ideas has accelerated the innovation of the circuit and there are so many teams taking risks and innovating. There is also a lot of great sharing of cultures with non-south-asian people coming into the circuit bringing their own twist to the definition of bollywood-fusion. It is interesting to see the transformation happening before our eyes.



What is Overall Impression?

The circuit has changed a lot over the past 10 years. It is as connected as it ever was and dance competitions are more like five-star resort experiences compared to what they were half a decade ago (close enough when you’re a broke undergrad haha). However, go to any dance competition and after the judging results are announced there will be a flurry of differing opinions from audience members, dancers, and even judges as to who should have placed or won. This is a natural reaction and being critical is what progresses the dance community as it allows us all to think independently. I know I used to do this all the time and still do because being a dance-nerd, I always like to ask why a team placed or won and how...
